About The Wind Institute the Fellowship Program
The Wind Institute Fellowship Program provides funding for NJ university students seeking to be at the forefront of advancing knowledge and innovation in the offshore wind industry in New Jersey. In its second year, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Rowan University, Montclair State University, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Princeton University, Seton Hall University, Stockton University, and Stevens Institute of Technology are participating in the Fellowship Program to offer a combined 40 undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to perform paid, independent research over an academic year.
The date and location for the 2025 Wind Institute Research Symposium will be announced soon. The Wind Institute Research Symposium provides fellows the opportunity to present their research to peers, faculty advisors and industry leaders.

Anuradha Singh
Ph.D., Environmental Science and Management
Advisor: Dr. Pankaj Lal
Project Title: Analyses of New Jersey’s offshore wind energy development and its role in decarbonization through energy integration scenarios using energy system modeling.

Cristian C Noriega M
Graduate, Data Science
Advisor: Dr. Aparna Varde
Project Title: Integrating Machine Learning, Geographic Information Systems, and Remote Sensing towards sustainable Offshore Wind Energy in New Jersey

Jean Claire Pineda
Graduate, Sustainability Science
Advisor: Dr. Meghann Smith
Project Title: Assessing Options for Decarbonization and Metal Reduction in Offshore Wind Turbines Using Life Cycle Analysis

Bably Das
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Behrad Koohbor
Project Title: Multiscale failure analysis of wind turbine composites

Ethan Cantor
Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Jie Li
Project Title: Advanced Capacity Accreditation of OSW for Improved System Reliability

Keith Soules
Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: DR. Nidhal Bouaynaya and Dr. Ravi Ramachandran
Project Title: Enhancing predictive maintenance of offshore wind turbines using transformer-based object detection

Matthew Heras
Undergraduate, Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Behrad Koohbor
Project Title: Characterization and prevention of impact damage on wind turbine composites

Marco Bracco
Undergraduate, Mathematics and Computer Science
Advisor: Dr. Benedetto Piccoli
Project Title: A Mathematical Model for the Optimal Design and Integration of a Wind Farm

LiYuan Byrne
Undergraduate, Philosophy and Double Minor in Economics and Chinese
Advisor: Dr. Daphne Munroe
Project Title: Stock Enhancement and Aquaculture as Means to Offset OSW Farm Impacts to Commercial Shellfisheries

Leonardo Calzada
Ph.D., Geography
Advisor: Dr. Kevin St. Martin
Project Title: Mapping Fishing Communities

Katharina Dowlin
Undergraduate, Mathematics and Statistics
Advisor: Dr. Mariya Naumova
Project Title: Optimization Models for an Effective Functioning of an Offshore Windfarm

Anelise (Annie) Keir
Undergraduate, Psychology and Philosophy
Advisor: Dr. Sean Duffy
Project Title: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs about Offshore Wind Energy in New Jersey: A Local Follow-up Study

Ayhan Yiğit Özel
Graudate, Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Onur Bilgen
Project Title: Evaluation of Nano Surface Coating for Corrosion Protection in Offshore Wind Turbines

Jiaxiang Ji
Ph.D., Industrial and Systems Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Aziz Ahmed Ezzat
Project Title: Spatio-Temporal Machine Learning for Renewable Energy Analytics and Operation/ Dara Science for Offshore Wind Co-Existence

Mehrnoush Ghazanfariharandi
Ph.D., Industrial and Systems Engineering-Energy Systems
Advisor: Dr. Robert Mieth
Project Title: Data-Hubs for Coordinated Planning and Operation of Offshore Wind

Ryan Weightman
Ph.D., Computational and Integrative Biology
Advisor: Dr. Benedetto Piccoli
Project Title: Mathematical Tools for Predicting the State of New Jersey’s Future Power Landscape

Oluwanifemi (Nifemi) Kayode-Aleseer
Undergraduate, Computer Science and Data Science
Advisor: Dr. Travis Miles
Project Title: Development of an AI-Based Risk Map for NARW Encounter

Rion Hunter
Graduate, Criminal Justice and Political Science
Advisor: Dr. Victoria Ramenzoni
Project Title: Participatory Governance in Offshore Wind Development

Sam Little
Professional, Law
Advisor: Dr. Steve Gold
Project Title: Offshore Wind Permitting: How Regulatory Processes Can Make or Break a Project

Amrutha Jonnalagadda
Undergraduate, Computer Science
Advisor: Dr. Pramod Abichandani
Project Title: standard operational procedures for BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line of Sight) offshore wind turbine inspections and data collection

Imraan Hossain
Undergraduate, Electrical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Pramod Abichandanj
Project Title:
Investigating Machine Learning Applications in Non-destructive Testing of Offshore Wind
Turbine Drive Trains

Moutasim Rahal
Graduate, Electrical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Philip Pong
Project Title: Advancing Offshore Wind Integration through Digital Twin Technology: A Simulation-Based Approach

Pragya Bharti
Graduate, Electrical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Philip Pong
Project Title: Advancing Condition Monitoring of Renewable Energy Systems through Federated Learning-enabled IoT Sensing Platform

Ahmed Shalaby
Ph.D., Ocean Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Muhammad Hajj
Project Title: Assessment of Passive Control Strategies of Monopile Vibrations

Alyson Zhang
Undergraduate, Naval Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Muhammad Hajj
Project Title: Damping Mechanisms for Floating Offshore Wind Platform

Mahmoud Nassar
Project Title: Wave loads on monopile-supporting rotating offshore wind turbines

Rojyar Barhemat
Ph.D., Civil Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Yi Bao
Project Title: Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor-Based Monitoring of Scour for Offshore Wind Turbines

Clara Martin Blanco
Ph.D., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Luc Deike
Project Title: Impact of Waves on Offshore Wind Farms: Direct Numerical Simulations of Broadband Waves Forced by Turbulent Wind

Hannah Hata Williams
Ph.D., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Jerry Zee
Project Title: The Messy Business of “Clean” Energy: Examining the Role of Coloniality in Offshore Wind Discourse

Simon Ji
Ph.D., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Kelsey Hatzell
Project Title: Low-cost Energy Storage Solutions to Enable Wide-spread Implementation of Wind Energy

Victoria Malarczyk
Ph.D., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Marcus Hultmark
Project Title: Investigating the Aerodynamic Performance of Offshore Wind Turbine Airfoils in NJ

Amanda K Zajdzinski
Graduate, Social Work
Advisor: Dr. La’Tesha Sampson
Project Title: An Analysis of the Impacts of the NJ Wind Industry on Underprivileged Populations in New Jersey

Austin Hunsberger
Graduate, Applied Physics and Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Mehmet Alper Sahiner
Project Title: Synthesis of silicon-based thin-film coating materials to minimize environmental deterioration of wind turbine blades

Joseph Garrett
Graduate, Applied Physics and Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Jose L. Lopez
Project Title: Investigation of coupling cold plasma technologies with wind turbine generators

Michael R Veronsky
Undergraduate, Environmental Studies
Advisor: Dr. Jacob Weger
Project Title: Social, Environmental, and Ecological Justice in the Offshore Wind Energy Transition

Anthony MARINo
Undergraduate, Sustainability
Advisor: Dr. Patrick Hossay
Project Title: Increasing the Efficiency of Turbines by Changing the Surface Texture of the Blades

Rebecca Yamoah
Undergraduate, Biology and Chemistry
Advisor: Dr. Patric Hossay
Project Title: Understanding The Risk of Offshore Wind Turbine-Induced Seizures

EliJah Zembricki
Graduate, Coastal Zone Management
Advisor: Dr. Peter Straub
Project Title: Mapping the Ecological Succession of Submerged Structures on the Little Egg Artificial Reef as a Proxy for Biological Community Development on Wind Turbine Bases

Sarah Cirillo
Undergraduate, Political Science
Advisor: Dr. James Avery
Project Title: Understanding the Effects of Offshore Windfarms on Minority Communities

Kripa Shrestha
Ph.D., Environmental Science and Management
Advisor: Dr. Pankaj Lal
Project Title: Offshore wind development and associated impact on recreational fisheries in New Jersey: A socio-spatial approach

Kevin Vargas
Graduate, Mathematics
Advisor: Dr. Ashwin Vaidya
Project Title: Innovating Wind Energy: Evaluating the Efficiency and Performance of S-Wind Vertical Axis Wind Turbines

Isabele Bittencourt
Graduate, Computational Linguistics
Advisor: Dr. Aparna Varde
Project Title: Multilingual Sentiment and Topic Analysis of Social Media Posts on Offshore Wind Energy in New Jersey

Faith Monesteri
Undergraduate, English
Advisor: Dr. Aparna Varde
Project Title: Stakeholder perception of offshore Wind Energy Development in New Jersey

Daniel Bindas
Undergraduate, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Jie Li
Project Title: Defining Resilience. Risks, and Readiness of Offshore Wind

Zaynab Hazaveh
Graduate, Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Behrad Koohbor
Project Title: Multiscale Mechanics and Failure of Wind Turbine Composites by Experimental Characterization

Justin Dworacek
Undergraduate, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Advisor: Adriana C. Trias Blanco
Project Title: Structural Assessment of Offshore Wind Turbines Using Remote Sensors

Ian Bain
Graduate, Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Yashwant Sinha and Francis Haas
Project Title: Hands-on, Minds-on Training Tools for the Wind Energy Curriculum

ANdrea John
Undergraduate, Meteorology and Communications
Advisor: Travis Miles
Project Title: An Investigation of Potential Impacts of Wind Turbines and Foundations on Ocean Stratification

Ashley Bhandari
Undergraduate, Economics and Mathematics
Advisor: Mariya Naumova and Moulik Kallupalam Balasubramanian
Project Title: Economic impact research of offshore wind energy using machine learning algorithms

Jeevanandan (Jeeva) Ramasamy
Undergraduate, Computer Science
Advisor: Aziz Ezzat Ahmed
Project Title: Data Science for Offshore Wind Energy Operations and Forecasting

Jessica Parineet
Master of Public Policy, Climate and Energy Policy
Advisor: Mark Paul
Project Title: The Socioeconomic and Policy Implications of Offshore Wind Implementation in New Jersey

Juan Lopez Muro
Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering
Advisor: Laurent Burlion
Project Title: Co-Design Strategies for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines (FOWT)

Kevin Leach
Advisor: Steve Gold
Project Title: Are the Laws Enough? Opposition to Offshore Wind Energy in New Jersey and Solutions Through Comparative Law Analysis

Leon Tkacenko
Ph.D., Ecology and Evolution
Advisor: Julie Lockwood
Project Title (tentative): Ecological Vulnerability and Offshore Wind

Michael (Mike) Supple
Undergraduate, Material Science Engineering
Advisor: Richard Riman
Project Title: Carbon Negative Turbine Blade Materials

Ryan Weightman
Ph.D., Computation and Integrative Biology
Advisor: Benedetto Piccoli
Project Title: A Mathematical Model for the Optimal Design and Integration of a Wind Farm

Teemer Barry
Ph.D., Oceanography
Advisor: Grace Saba
Project Title: Understanding the Seasonal Linkages of Underlying Oceanographic Conditions and Phytoplankton Dynamics In and Around Offshore Wind Development Areas

Zain Kamal
Undergraduate, Physics and Computer Science
Advisor: Dr. Roger (Ruo-Qian) Wang
Project Title: Observing and Analyzing Global Offshore Wind Farms from the Space

Akhyurna Swain
Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Philip Pong
Project Title: Power Hardware in the Loop (PHIL) Simulations for Enhanced Condition Monitoring of Offshore Wind Turbine Drive Trains

Jayden JOhnson
Undergraduate, Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
Advisor: Dr. Pramod Abichandanj
Project Title: Offshore Wind Inspection and Monitoring with Advanced Sensor-Equipped Drones

Michelle Hernandez
Graduate, Electrical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Philip Pong and Dr. Marcos Netto
Project Title:
Optimizing Wind Power Generation: Developing a Digital Twin for Real-Time Monitoring and Analysis

Riya Karande
Undergraduate, Electrical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Philip Pong and Dr. Sotirios Ziavras
Project Title: IoT and Digital Twin Platform for Remote Monitoring and Real-Time Data Analysis in Islanded Areas: Case Study of a Wind Turbine Testbed Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis

Ahmed Shalaby
Ph.D., Ocean Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Muhammad Hajj
Project Title: Assessment of Passive Control Strategies of Monopile Vibrations

Alyson Zhang
Undergraduate, Naval Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Muhammad Hajj
Project Title: Damping Mechanisms for Floating Offshore Wind Platform

Javad Saeidaskari
Ph.D., Civil Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Muhammad Hajj
Project Title: The Effect of Water and Vibration-Induced Scour on the Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation: Numerical Study

Rojyar Barhemat
Ph.D., Civil Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Yi Bao
Project Title: Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor-Based Monitoring of Scour for Offshore Wind Turbines

Avery Barnett
Ph.D., Public Affairs
Advisor: Prof. Jesse Jenkins
Project Title: Resilience of Offshore Wind Technologies under Hurricane Landfalling Within PJM

Hannah Hata Williams
Ph.D., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Michael E. Mueller
Project Title: Relative Impacts of Environmental Factors on Finite Offshore Wind Farms

Mian lao
Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Minjie Chen
Project Title:
Advanced Power Electronics for Impedance-Based Stability Analysis of Offshore Wind Power Systems

nicholas Conlin
Ph.D., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Marcus Hultmark
Project Title:
Coastal Boundary Layer Effects on Offshore Wind Energy Production in New Jersey

Daniel Enrique Guerrero
Ph.D., Physical Chemistry
Advisor: Dr. Jose L. Lopez
Project Title: Using a Plasma Actuator for the Enhancement of a Wind Turbine’s Airfoil Performance

Kaitlyn Spitzer
Master of Public Administration (MPA), Political Science and Public Affairs
Advisor: Dr. Michael Taylor
Project Title: Wind Powering the Garden State: Stakeholder Insights for NJ’s Offshore Wind Industry

Laura page
Undergraduate, Political Science and Public Affairs
Advisor: Dr. Kwok Chuen T. Teo
Project Title: Lessons from Europe in Offshore Wind Power

Rylee Nelson
Graduate, Communications
Advisor: Dr. Ruth Tsuria
Project Title: The role of Women and Minorities in Emerging Wind Power Industry

Anthony MARINo
Undergraduate, Sustainability
Advisor: Dr. Patrick Hossay
Project Title: Reduction of Noise Pollution by Changing the Surface of the Blades

Dylan Irmiere
Undergraduate, Political Science
Advisor: Dr. Tina Zappile
Project Title: The Impacts of Education on Public Opinion About Offshore Wind Farms

Elijah Zembricki
Graduate, Coastal Zone Management
Advisor: Dr. Peter Straub
Project Title: Using Oceanographic and Hydrographic Data to Assess the Artificial Reef Effect of Structure Placements as a Proxy for Wind Farm Installations

Emma Morrone
Undergraduate, Applied Physics
Advisor: Dr. Joseph Trout
Project Title: Do Wind Farms Affect the Local Mesoscale and Synoptic Scales of Weather?
Ruth Finkelman
Undergraduate, Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Advisor: Dr. Eric Forgston
Project Title: Using Machine Learning Algorithms to Forecast Wind Energy Loads in New Jersey
Stephen Conte
Undergraduate, Mathematics
Project Title: T.B.D.

Adrian Aranda Alzamora
Undergraduate, Political Science and Economics
Advisor: Dr. Victoria C. Ramenzoni
Project Title: Understanding Offshore Wind Development in New Jersey: Community Impacts and Policies

Dhrruv Singroha
Undergraduate, Finance and Computer Science
Advisor: Dr. Roger (Ruo-Qian) Wang
Project Title: Wind Turbines: Environmental Co-Design
Khalid Mujahiddeen
Undergraduate, Criminal Justice
Advisor: Dr. Josh Kohut
Project Title: T.B.D.
Andrei Dumitriu
Undergraduate, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Project Title: Data Science for Improved Offshore Wind Energy Operation
2024 Symposium RESOURCES
2023 Symposium RESOURCES
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