

Aspire is a gap financing tool to support commercial, mixed use, and residential real estate development projects that replaces the Economic Redevelopment and Growth Grant (ERG).

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  • To be eligible for Aspire support, a project must:
  • Demonstrate through NJEDA analysis that without the incentive award, the redevelopment project is not economically feasible.
  • Demonstrate that a project financing gap exists and/or the redevelopment project will generate a below market rate of return.
  • Be located in a designated “Incentive Area.”
  • Include developer who has an equity participation of at least 20 percent of the total cost.
  • Result in a net positive benefit to the State.
  • Meet specific cost thresholds, depending on where the project is located.

Please be advised: New Jersey State law prohibits most cannabis license and certification holders from receiving or continuing to receive an economic incentive from the NJEDA. If the applicant, or any person who controls the applicant or owns or controls more than one percent of the stock of the applicant, has applied for or received a license or a certification from the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission (NJ-CRC), the applicant is ineligible for this program and should not proceed with an application. If an application is received from an applicant that meets this criteria, the application will be declined and the application fee will not be refunded. 


Most Aspire projects will be subject to a total award cap of $60 million, but residential projects also receiving LIHTC or projects located in certain economically disadvantaged locations may receive up to $90 million

Baseline tax credits available
Tax credits equal to 50 percent of project costs up to $60 million


All projects in a GRM can receive tax credits up to 80 percent of project costs, up to $120 million.

Newly constructed residential projects that are also utilizing four percent LIHTCs can receive tax credits up to 60 percent of project costs

Projects using LIHTC or any other project in a Qualified Incentive Tract (QIT), GRM, or municipality with a Municipal Revitalization Index (MRI) distress score of at least 50, can receive tax credits up to $90 million or 60 percent of eligible project costs.


To demonstrate local support for the project, the developer must have letter of support for project from the chief executive of the municipality and must enter into a Community Benefits Agreement and also a Redevelopment Agreement with the municipality’s governing body. 


NJEDA is currently accepting applications for the Aspire program.

Consultation with Aspire program staff prior to beginning work on an application is advised because completing the application will require focused time and attention on the applicant’s part; because Aspire program eligibility rules are nuanced; and because application fees are non-refundable.

A sample application is available here for interested parties to review prior to contacting NJEDA staff and completing the online application.  Aspire program rules are also available here for review.

If you are interested in applying for the Aspire Program, please contact an Aspire Program team member at


Projects utilizing Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC)

Total Project Costs of $50 million or less (Non-LIHTC) 

Total Project Costs of greater than $50 million (Non-LIHTC) 

Projects Without Residential Units 

Total Project Costs not subject to Project Costs of $50 million or less 

Phased Project (Non-Transformative)

Transformative Project
(Fees are per phase)

Application Fee








Approval Fee








Issuance Fee








Non-Residential Issuance Fee







Annual Servicing Fee








Modification Fee 

$10,000 (minor)
$30,000 (major)

$10,000 (minor)
$30,000 (major)

$20,000 (minor)
$30,000 (major)

$20,000 (minor)
$30,000 (major)

$20,000 (minor)
$30,000 (major)

$30,000 (minor)
$150,000 (major)

$30,000 (minor)
$300,000 (major)

Transfer Fee










(first 6 months)

(each additional 6 months) 

(first 6 months)

(each additional 6 months) 

(first 6 months)

(each additional 6 months) 


(First 6 months)


(each additional 6 months)


(First 6 months)


(each additional 6 months)

(first 6 months)

(each additional 6 months) 

(first 6 months)

(each additional 6 months) 

Assignment Fee








Termination Fee








* Applicant is responsible for the full amount of direct costs of due diligence, including, but not limited to, debarment/disqualification reviews or other analyses by a third party retained by the Authority, if the Authority deems such retention to be necessary.

** All fees are non-refundable.

The full statutory text of the program can be found in sections 54-67 of the Economic Recovery Act of 2020.

Incentive Areas

Eligible “Incentive Areas” are areas designated pursuant to the “State Planning Act” P.L.1985, c.398 (C.52:18A-196 et seq.), as Planning Area 1 (Metropolitan) Port District, Certain Brownfield Sites over 100 acres, or a Planning Area 2 Designated Center located within a one-half mile radius of the mid-point, with bicycle and pedestrian connectivity, of a New Jersey Transit Corporation, Port Authority Transit Corporation, or Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation rail, bus, or ferry station, including all light rail stations, or a high frequency bus stop as certified by the New Jersey Transit Corporation.  

Cost Thresholds

Minimum project costs for Aspire are based on the population of the municipality where the project is taking place.

Municipality PopulationMinimum Total Project Cost
Population < 200,000$10 million
Population > 200,000$17.5 million

Projects located in a Qualified Incentive Tract or Government Restricted Municipality have a minimum project costs of $5 million.

Targeted Areas

Aspire project awards caps are increased to $90 million or 60 percent of project costs for commercial projects in Qualified Incentive Tracts, Enhanced Areas, or municipalities with a Municipal Revitalization Index of at least 50.

Commercial Projects must be at least 25,000 square feet if in a GRM and 50,000 square feet elsewhere, except in the case of health care or health service centers shall contain not less than $10,000 square feet.

Projects Utilizing LIHTC or any other project in a Qualified Incentive Tract, Government Restricted Municipality, and a Municipal Revitalization Index of at least 50, can receive up to $90 million.

Transformative Project Criteria

Projects that meet certain criteria can be designated as “Transformative Projects.” These projects can receive awards up to $400 million or 80 percent of total project costs for any transformative project located in a government restricted municipality. Or 60 percent of total project costs it the transformative project receives LIHTC, or any transformative project located in a qualified incentive tract, enhanced area, or municipality with a municipality with a Municipal Revitalization Index score of at least 50″, or 50 percent of total project costs for any other transformative project. Primarily retail projects are not eligible for Transformative Project awards.

To be designated as a Transformative Project, a project must:

To be designated as a Transformative Project, a project must involve a minimum investment of $150 million and include renovation or construction of more than 500,000 square feet of office or industrial space; 250,000 square feet of film production space; or 700 residential units if it does not include any commercial component.

If a project 200,000 or more square feet of new or substantially renovated industrial, commercial, or residential space for a project located in a government-restricted municipality, exclusive of any parking component;

ii. 250,000 or more square feet of film production uses, exclusive of any parking component;

iii. 300,000 or more square feet of new or substantially renovated industrial, commercial, or residential space for a project located in an enhanced area, exclusive of any parking component; or it may also qualify as a transformative project if it includes:

  • At least 200 units in a GRM
  • At least 300 units in an Enhanced Area
  • At least 400 units in any other eligible Incentive Area
  • And, the construction of 30,000 square feet or more of commercial space, which may include retail space.