EDA Seeks Ideas for Infrastructure Development to Advance State’s Offshore Wind Leadership
TRENTON, N.J. (September 28, 2018) – The New Jersey Economic Development Authority (“Authority”) is seeking ideas from qualified entities with perspectives on offshore wind port infrastructure and supply chain development in New Jersey. Parties such as offshore wind developers, suppliers, industrial real estate developers, port operators, port authorities, other development agencies, and local governments are encouraged to respond to a Request for Ideas (RFI) posted yesterday by the EDA https://www.njeda.gov/offshorewindRFI.
The purpose of the RFI is to collect facts, information, and ideas that will help the EDA better understand the offshore wind industry’s port infrastructure and supply chain development requirements. If it is determined that there is sufficient need for State government support (financial, coordination, etc.), the information gathered by the RFI may be used to develop financing or development programs to support offshore wind port infrastructure and supply chain development. One of the goals of such financing/development tools or programs is to lower the levelized cost of energy (“LCOE”) for offshore wind energy.
“Governor Murphy’s vision for a stronger and fairer New Jersey economy includes investment in clean energy infrastructure to support job creation in growth industries like wind energy,” said EDA CEO Tim Sullivan. “New Jersey is uniquely situated to assume a leadership position in the offshore wind industry, which presents a once in a generation opportunity for new, good-paying jobs in the state.”
Respondents to this RFI are encouraged to respond within the context of the broader medium-to-long term regional pipeline of projects expected on the US East Coast, which exceeds 8,000 MWs in the Mid-Atlantic region (3,500 MW for New Jersey).
“This RFI is the next step in EDA’s support for the industry and demonstrates our commitment to listen to, and actively partner with, private sector companies across the offshore wind supply chain,” said EDA Senior Vice President for Economic Transformation Brian Sabina. “We welcome experienced offshore wind professionals to share insights that will enable the state to help accelerate offshore wind growth in New Jersey and the region.”
Potential RFI respondents may submit clarifying questions to EDAProcurementQA@njeda.com by 11:59 PM EST, October 5, 2018 . Answers to these questions will be publicly posted along with this RFI on the Authority’s website: https://www.njeda.gov/offshorewindRFI
Complete responses to the RFI are due by MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2018 on or before 11:59 PM (EST).
This RFI is independent of the solicitation issued on September 17, 2018 by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, for development of the first 1,100 MW of offshore wind in New Jersey.
To learn more about EDA resources for businesses call EDA Customer Care at 609-858-6767 or visit https://www.njeda.gov and follow @NewJerseyEDA on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.