
Community Revitalization

Tools for a Greener, Fairer New Jersey

NJEDA Community Revitalization is a suite of solutions designed to support development that transforms underutilized and contaminated spaces into community assets, with the goal of achieving a greener, fairer New Jersey. This includes ensuring that residents living in communities that have historically suffered from disinvestment, environmental contamination, and health disparities benefit from brownfields redevelopment. 


Activation, Revitalization, and Transformation (A.R.T.) Program
Activation, Revitalization, and Transformation (A.R.T.) Program – Phase II
Atlantic City Revitalization Grant Program
Brownfield Redevelopment Incentive​ (NEW)
Brownfields Impact Fund
Brownfields Loan Program
Brownfields Planning and Assessment Services
Cannabis Seed Equity Grant Program
Emerging Developers
Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Fund (HDSRF)
Historic Property Survey Grant Program
New Jersey Asset Activation Planning Grant
New Jersey Indoor (NJ) Amusement Park Grant Program
Opportunity Zone Challenge Program
Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Program

TEchnical ASsistance

Community Collaborative Initiative

NJIT Brownfields Assistance Center

Investing in communities is a pillar of our plan for a stronger and fairer New Jersey economy, and the brownfields loan program is a crucial tool we can use to build cleaner, safer communities where businesses and families can thrive.

Cleaning up contaminated sites and repurposing them for productive use allows us to achieve our goals for economic growth while protecting our environment and minimizing sprawl.

— Phil Murphy | Governor of New Jersey

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Meet our team

Elizabeth Limbrick
Senior Brownfields Advisor