The Small Business Bonding Readiness Assistance Program provides a comprehensive series of classes, workshops, and strategic counseling sessions covering a variety of topics relevant to small businesses in all sectors, including bonding and insurance, business development, financial presentation, construction and contract law, construction management, estimating, and credit. At the end of the program, all participating businesses receive a Bonding Readiness Segment Report, which provides an in-depth assessment of their strengths and weaknesses to help them plan for the future.

The Small Business Bonding Readiness Program has assisted over 150 business since Fall of 2022. Through our strategic partnerships with The African American Chamber of Commerce and the Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, we are able to assist businesses with their level of preparedness. Both Chambers are accepting applicants for cohorts running in 2024!
Click here to go to the African American Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey (AACCNJ) for more information
Click here to go to the Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey (SHCCNJ) for more information
Please be advised: New Jersey State law prohibits most cannabis license and certification holders from receiving or continuing to receive an economic incentive from the NJEDA. If the applicant, or any person who controls the applicant or owns or controls more than one percent of the stock of the applicant, has applied for or received a license or a certification from the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission (NJ-CRC), the applicant is ineligible for this program and should not proceed with an application. If an application is received from an applicant that meets this criteria, the application will be declined and the application fee will not be refunded.
For more information or to ask a specific question please contact Jermaine Pharmes at